Union YES! 86 to 33

February 6, 2025

A big thanks to everyone who turned out and voted YES!  This result makes it clear that PSPH Professionals have had enough.  Out of 138 possible votes, 86 voted Yes, 33 voted No, and 19 votes were not cast.  This means that 62% of PSPH Professionals chose to work together for better wages and working conditions.

The final vote percentage was 72% UNION YES, with 28% against.  A decisive statement.

If you voted NO, then please remember that we want you to have good contract, too–and we’ll be fighting for you every step of the way.  We hope you’ll join us.

Finally, we want to thank PSPH management in advance for what we hope will be good-faith round of bargaining that leads to a fair contract without delay.  We have plenty of good contract examples–from other Providence hospitals, even–and we anticipate constructive discussions at St. Pete’s without having to “reinvent the wheel.”

This is great and meaningful victory for working professionals here and across the country. We hope everyone takes some time to celebrate!